About Trinetra Yoga

World Yoga Alliance – Registered Yoga School (Trinetra Yoga)
World yoga alliance registered schools worldwide ensures that the program meets education curriculum designed by World yoga alliance and managed by Qualified Guru’s
E-RTY Standards (RTY- Registered Teacher of Yoga)
All the schools functioning worldwide including us follow faculty criteria and protocol of WYA (Basically E-RTY 200), (E-RTY100), (E-RTY 50). An E-RTY is an experienced registered yoga teacher approved by World yoga alliance and is eligible to teach the program at our school. Our E-RTY 200 teachers are skilled and equipped with the knowledge to run Teachers training program based on international standards.

Special Internship Program
At Trinetra Yoga – We believe in empowering our students and allowing them to settle themselves on an international Yogic and spiritual platform and hence we have a Special internship program for students who wish to take up challenging role in Yoga in or outside their country. After the certification we offer them the platform to assist us as a Teacher Trainee or Teaching assistant however at any given point in time the YTTC – Yoga teachers training program will be only conducted by experienced international yoga professionals at our school and the Teaching assistants will only get an opportunity to learn the administration activities, course/syllabus designing, and also to take Saturday sessions (over and above Contact and non contact hours of students by their lead trainers), assist us during the theory exam of students and will be involved in retreat activities of the students. Post internship program we will also certify and offer them Internship certificate Duration of Internship: 15 days to 1 month Fee: Not applicable Expenses: All the expenses during internship program have to be taken care and born by the students and Trinetra yoga will not take care of any expenses like food, accommodation, travel and any other expenses. However, we are providing them a great opportunity to be with us and learn a great deal.
Corporate Social Responsibility – As a Karma Yoga
Contributing and giving back to the society on a greater scale with no monitory gain, is also we believe as a part of our Corporate Social Responsibility process. In true sense “Karma Yoga” – The selfless action is what every individual must do in life to serve humanity, Society and country we live in and most importantly to the Universe as a Custodian. The higher energies are not in Sky but in our Karma’s – Our Actions – Our deeds, that brings transformation and add value to the life of millions of human beings and the entire world in totality. At Trinetra Yoga we are blessed to get associated with 1 Orphanage of Mysore and that’s the threshold of a new era for us. This association is valuable for us to serve and Teach Yoga to Orphan kids who were left alone at their kindergarten stage by the destiny. Our goal is to empower these energetic and pure souls and give them a clear perspective of life and a tool that will help them to survive and sustain in this world by making this as a profession when they grow up and also uplift them physically, mentally and spiritually for their lifetime. Our weekly sessions on different styles of Yoga will be blessed when these young kids will participate in their self-development. At Trinetra Yoga we believe In giving back to the society – with selfless actions. Dr.(Hc) Piyush Goel taught yoga and mindfulness to an orphanage kids and spent quality time with them as part of Karmayoga . Grandmaster with his student Ms Shelly took initiative to approach another orphanage and distributed food items based on their needs.
Dr.(Hc) Piyush Goel success stories were published in

Dr. Avinash L. P.

Dr.(Hc) Piyush Goel